About R6 Regional Council
The R6 Regional Council in Central Utah
Our History and Mission
In 1970, Governor Calvin L. Rampton established multi-county regions to improve local government coordination of mutually beneficial programs across the state.
Today, the seven Associations of Governments build upon this vision by facilitating regional collaboration, promoting results-oriented and cost-effective public services, and preparing our regions and communities for the future.
The R6 Regional Council (formerly known as Six County Association of Governments) was organized to provide services — available through state and federal programs — to the citizens of Juab, Millard, Piute, Sanpete, Sevier and Wayne counties.
R6’s primary goal is to serve as a multi-purpose organization, utilizing combined resources to effectively provide a broad spectrum of services, including economic and community development, as well as essential human services.
The General Board of R6 comprise all commissioners and one appointed mayor from each county. An Executive Board of one appointed commissioner and the appointed mayor from each county direct the overall programs of the agency.
What is an ‘Association of Governments?’
An Association of Governments is a voluntary association of local governments formed under the authority of the Utah Interlocal Cooperation Act. Utah’s seven Associations’ were formally established in the early 1970’s to:
- To provide a common forum to identify, discuss, study, and resolve area wide problems.
- To achieve advantages of cooperative action which cannot be achieved individually and to make the most effective use of local leadership and staff resources.
- To provide local input into state programs which are undergoing increasing decentralization to a regional level.
- To Serve as a multi-purpose “umbrella-type” organization to engage in and carry out planning and development programs with respect to existing and emerging problems of industry, commerce, transportation, population, housing, agriculture, public services, local governments and any other matter which are relevant to the Association’s purposes_
- To maintain liaison with members, governmental units and groups of organizations, and to serve as the regional voice for local governments; and
- To perform such other functions as may be deemed necessary under the direction of local elected officials.
Utah’s seven different Associations of Governments coincide with the boundaries of state-created planning districts. Some of the most important activities accomplished by Associations are those which the state’s administration determines would be better addressed at a regional level by locally elected officials. The other alternative would be to increase state administrative oversight and staffing. The Associations have allowed local officials to have a direct impact on many programs such as Community Development Block Grants, Community Services Block Grants, Social Services Block Grants, Capitol improvements planning and prioritization, etc.
What kinds of things do ‘Association of Governments’ do?
The R6 Regional Council is involved with many activities which help local people, local governments, and state & federal agencies be more effective. Those activities include:
- Clearinghouse review and comments to appropriate agencies.
- Federal Register review and follow-up with state agencies.
- Public lands research, comments, follow-up, resource management plan involvement, and provide a regional forum to discuss public lands issues i.e. the R6 Regional Council Natural Resource Committee (SCNRC).
- Partner with state and federal agencies on numerous projects.
- Development of a regional economic development plan known as the
- Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS) utilized in State planning efforts.
- Serve as a Census Data Center Affiliate in partnership with the Governors Office
- of Planning and Budget (GOPB).
- Disseminate regional demographics and statical data to state agencies.
- Liaison for local officials on many state projects and proposals.
- Participate as requested in major state initiatives such as 21st Century Program, Smart Sites, Disaster Mitigation, FEMA Regional Core Council, Chronic Homeless Planning, affordable housing, infrastructure lists for C1B and CDBG, and others.
- Administration of most state “block grant” programs.
- Nominations and appointments of area representations on state agency boards.
- Participate in major legislative initiatives.
- Capital Investment Prioritization.
- Regional liaison representing the county’s interest in many state programs administered by the AOG.
For contact information of R6 Regional Council staff, local elected officials, and for Utah’s other Associations of Governments, visit our website’s Contact area.
Major Programs
Below is a listing of the major programs we administer, serving the people and local governments of the R6 Regional Council area — including Juab, Millard, Piute, Sanpete, Sevier, and Wayne counties:
- Regional community and economic development planning
- Infrastructure planning and funding
- Human service transit coordination
- Technical assistance to local officials
- Affordable housing, including rent-to-own
- First-time homebuyer programs
- All-hazard mitigation planning
- Emergency food assistance
- GIS services for local governments
- Regional planning program
- Regional transportation planning
- Services for older adults
- Scenic byway and heritage corridor planning
- Small business finance lending and counseling
- Weatherization and home repair services
Specific Programs and Services
Economic Development Programs & Services
- Economic Development Planning
- Revolving Loan Fund Programs
- Other CDBG and USDA (Not IRP)
- Procurement Training Centers
- Data Resource Center
Community Development Programs & Services
- Community Development Block Grant
- Geographic Information Systems
- Planning Technical Assistance
- Regional Planning Program (CIB-RPP)
- Circuit Rider Planning
Housing Programs & Services
- Planning
- First-time Homebuyers Program
- Major Home Repair/Replacement
- Emergency Home Repair
- Weatherization
- Home Energy Assistance Target (HEAT) Program
- Affordable Housing Planning
- CROWN Program Administration
- Mutual Self-Help Program
- Homelessness Prevention Programs
- Housing Authority
Transportation Programs & Services
- Regional Transportation Coordination
- Transportation Assistance
- Coordinated Human Services Transit-Mobility Management
Emergency Assistance
- Emergency Food Assistance (FEMA)
- Emergency Assistance
- Pre-Disaster Mitigation Planning
Human Services
- Aging Services
- Congregate Meals
- Home-Delivered Meals
- The Alternative Program
- Senior Companion Program
- Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
- Utah Care Givers
- Family Caregiver Support
- Medicaid Waiver
- Long-term Care Ombudsman
- Respite Program
- State Health Information Program (SHIP)
- Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)
- Social Services Block Grant
- Volunteer Centers